REALTORS® are the first point-of-contact for most new homeowners, they are a great target market for any business. With almost 2,000 REALTOR® members, the DeKalb Association of REALTORS® is an excellent market platform for any organization trying to do business with professional REALTORS®, as well as local homeowners. Whether you are with a national firm or an independently owned company, DAR is committed to giving our Sponsor/Affiliate members the most benefits possible for their investment. The marketing opportunities with DAR are dynamic and abundant.
DAR Partnerships are an excellent way to ensure you are getting the most for your marketing dollars. You also get added exposure to nearly all DAR functions and at our facility. For more information about the Partner Program, please call James Gaidry at 770-355-1396 or
GO HERE to Make Your Investment and JOIN as a DAR Affiliate Partner